27 August 2014

Why are Constance Jones & Julie Durda talking about boogers?

Sharing a special moment with my co-worker--Local 10's Julie Durda!  Yes we talk about boogers in the morning! 
Gross right--but hey, it got your attention! Find out why we talk about boogers during the morning news-- click on the image below! 
At a time where Local TV news viewership is down—news anchors and reporters have to find better ways to connect with their audience. According to Pew Research Center’s annual “State of the NEWS Media”—there has been a 6 percent declined in viewership between 2006 and 2012! Only 28 percent of those aged 18 to 29 now regularly watch TV news. That’s down from 42 percent just six years earlier!
So, why do I say all this?!? SIMPLE—Dare to be different. Its helped our morning newscast! Our ratings continue to climb in a highly competitive South Florida Market. Don’t be afraid to take risk and find new, unusual or unexpected ways to connect with your audience! (or customers) 
What tips would you give to connect with viewers?

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